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Avatar de alicia55



Sorry, I want to say Vlady.

16 septiembre, 2013 at 00:43
Avatar de alicia55



Je, je, Wind, that ready you are. I am going to start kissing in the morning the photo of all my ex-; I wait to manage to be very elderly.

16 septiembre, 2013 at 00:42
Avatar de missss



1. You no longer can eat salty food for breakfast, and if you do you definitely can’t mix it with something sweet.
2. You scoff at people who drink cappuccinos after 11am.
3. You say “Aye-yah!” when you get hurt instead of “Ouch” or “Ow-ah!”
4. You realize you’ve started staring at people much more, but don’t think it’s as rude as you once did.
5. You cross the street whenever a car isn’t coming — to hell with the little red person on the traffic light.
6. Similarly, you’re less scared not to follow road laws, and drive much more — ahem — ‘freely’ than you once did.
7. You can slip sarcasm or double-meanings into any conversation, no matter what the topic.
8. You begin English sentences with “Allora” and do things like “taking” a dish or “doing” a shower.
9. You use your hands during every conversation, sometimes responding to English friends with a gesture that fully explains your point, but that they’re likely not to understand.
10. You don’t think twice about paying for water, and you never expect ice.


Avatar de Vladymir..



That´s why I kiss all my three wives every morning before I go to Gym, ( I´m not working now as I´m retired).
Then I´ll live 15 years longer and also have not the possibility of a car accident as I have not car.

Avatar de missss



Via The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us:

Refraining from mouth-to-mouth kissing has been common among women of the “oldest profession” for a very long time. Social scientists Joanna Brewis and Stephen Linstead report that prostitutes often won’t kiss because it requires a “genuine desire and love for the other person.” By avoiding the lips of a client, they are best able to keep emotions out of their work.
Men who kiss their wives before work live 5 years longer, make 20-30% more money and are far less likely to get in a car accident.
A ten-year psychology study undertaken in Germany during the 1980s found that men who kissed their wives before leaving for work lived, on average, five years longer, earning 20 to 30 percent more than peers who left without a peck good-bye. The researchers also reported that not kissing one’s wife before leaving in the morning increased the possibility of a car accident by 50 percent. Psychologists do not believe it’s the kiss itself that accounts for the difference but rather that kissers were likely to begin the day with a positive attitude, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Read more:

Avatar de Vladymir..



It ´s understand or understood the assignment ?

Avatar de Vladymir..



You too………….Hi listen ¡¡¡ very nice and funny the Duolingo….Tks

Avatar de missss



“Keep calm and carry on”
Have a nice day!

Avatar de missss



Time and again the researchers discovered that the addition of the potted plant enhanced people’s creativity… An eight-month study of creativity in the workplace conducted by Robert Ulrich at Texas A&M University showed that adding flowers and plants to an office resulted in a 15 percent increase in ideas from male employees and more flexible solutions to problems from their female counterparts. In another study, researchers discovered that children engage in significantly more creative play when they are in courtyards containing greenery versus comparatively barren outdoor spaces.

Avatar de missss



Just having greenery in the neighborhood had positive effects on people’s lives:
The parts of the development that contained greenery were associated with 48 percent fewer property crimes and 52 percent fewer violent crimes than those that contained nothing but concrete. The researchers speculated that the greenery may have put people in a good mood and therefore made them less likely to commit crimes.
Still can’t be bothered to get a plant? How about a green pen?
…those who were exposed to the green ink solved about 30 percent more anagrams than those who saw the red ink. The evidence suggests that for creativity you are better off going green.

Avatar de missss



When I was five years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be whwn I grew up.
I wrote down ” happy “.
They told me I didn’t undesrstand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

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