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Amor en el tiempo y en la distancia.
Ya han pasado 43 años desde la primera vez que nos conocimos.
Vivimos un amor intenso en la fogosidad de nuestra juventud y ahora que estamos en una etapa de la madurez, el recuerdo de ese amor me hace revivir los momentos felices que pasamos juntos tu y yo.
El destino nos llevó por caminos diferentes pero en el corazón siempre estará ese huequito que nuestro amor cubrió y que el tiempo no ha podido desplazar.
No sabes cuanto me alegro que aún conservemos esa llamita que cada Navidad recordamos en nuestras postales.
Te deseo lo mejor para ti y tu familia. Ya sabes que siempre podrás contar commigo, hasta el ultimo suspiro de esta alma que tanto te añora a pesar del tiempo pasado.
Con amor

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Rakkautta ajan ja matkan pituuden. Se on ollut 43 vuotta sitten ensimmäisen kerran tapasimme. Elää rakkauden voimakas nuorisomme innostustaan ja olemme tasolla, muistin että rakkaus saa minut kokea onnellisia hetkiä, jotka vietimme yhdessä sinä ja minä. Tavoite sai meidät eri polkuja, mutta sydämessä tulee aina että huequito kattaa rakkautemme ja tuolloin ei ole pystynyt muuttamaan. Tiedä, kuinka paljon olen iloinen siitä, että emme vielä pidä se kipinä, joka joka joulu muistamme myös postikortteja. Toivotan sinulle ja perheellesi. Tiedät, että voit aina luottaa tuo commigo jopa tämä sielu, joka kaipaa niinkään huolimatta viimeksi viimeinen huokaus. Rakkaudella John

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Sorry, it’s not “sriptation” but scriptitation.
I forgot: bibesy, widdendream and sanguinolency.

Have a nice day!

Avatar de missss



If we all start using them, these words can be resurrected:

To jargogle, to deliciate, to corrade, to kench, jollux, malagrugous, to brabble, to freck, brannigan, perissology, hoddypeak, quagswagging, scriptation, widdendream, yemeless, twitter-light, illecebrous.

Have a look at this web for the meaning:


Avatar de Humera



I believe that the passage of time makes some memories to fade away. Still, as you mention, when holding a warm cup of coffee and a nice music slips into our present one may let the mind go to lighten those experiences and moments that quietly lay in the back of our mind. One song comes to my mind. “Without you” written by Harry Nilsson, (that’s what I think) or a well known singer as Adamo, quite famous a few decades back.

At this age, one can say that memories are of all kinds, and the hardest or just the funny thing about a road of path we did not take is that we will never know where it might have led, for good or for bad.

Have a nice day

Avatar de Wind..



Do yo remember anything that happened to you when you were young and about 20 years old ?.
Your first love, your first kiss , your first relationship with that special person you felt in love ?.
Some people had their first love relationship at 15 years old, another ones, later.
But that feeling it´s still in your mind, specially the first one which you will never forget, even you are a man or woman.
Seat , have a drink, listen a quiet music, close your eyes and let fly your dreams back to old times………..and write them here………

Avatar de Humera



Is anybody around who would like to talk about any issue of any kind? Just a question of practicing a bit, or maybe any question to discuss. This forum is a bit to quiet, but it is only a question of trying.

Apart from that it is a grey rainy day in the city, and after so many days of storms and bad weather I think we need to feel the sun in the face, otherwise one begins to feel blue. Feeling blue just means “meláncolico, como triste, no precisamente azul”, We may also feel like that one someone we love leaves.

So, have a nice day, we’ll be back

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Romano, estoy de acuerdo con Missss si lo intentas probablemente puedas aprender lo básico que siempre es interesante. El iglés es una muy buena herramienta de comunicación.

Avatar de missss



Romano, nunca es tarde, te puedes desenvolver en inglés en pocos meses de estudio, si te empeñas. Para aprender a escribirlo no te costará demasiado esfuerzo. La gramática es bastante fácil y los verbos no se conjugan con muchos tiempos. Ánimo !

Avatar de romano



No hablo ni escribo en inglés, por mala suerte.
Algunas palabras las entiendo, pero, es una pena no poder conocer este idioma universal.
saludos cordiales.

Avatar de missss



Hi Humera, nice meeting you here. Let’s improve our English, specially mine.

27 febrero, 2013 at 00:45
Avatar de Humera



I found some in teresting quotes that I think is worth sharing with you all.

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France.
o love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. David Viscott

It is possible to fail in many ways…while to succeed is possible only in one way. Aristotle

Wind, I really hope you get the need you are looking for for the pets you look after.

Look forward to see Misss back.

All the best

26 febrero, 2013 at 17:04
Avatar de Nunica



The way many unfortunate pets are treated in Spain and on the islands says a lot about us. It’s a real shame. Both my dogs were once abandoned and one of them was badly traumatized though she has been able to recover to a certain extent. I wish you all the best with your society and I hope you can eventually arrange a shelter.

22 febrero, 2013 at 17:01
Avatar de Wind..



I Belong to a Protective Society of Animals . We are 20 people hosting abandoned and battered pets in our houses as we do not have a Refuge. Saddily Spain is the First Country in Europe abandoning Pets and Canary Islands is the 2d Community We don not have either material or economical resources to have a Refuge, only donations from volunteers, members and friends to support our Job. We would like to spread this message everywhere to get signatures for our local politicians make it possible:” To make our Dream true, The Pet?s Dream also. I believe, signatures is one of the most useful pacific tools, with the aid of Media, to achieve many goals.
A Pet Ambulance s driver has also a wonderful proyect: ” A Rural Hostel for Pets to employ mental disable people. T

21 febrero, 2013 at 13:24
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